Sunday, September 13, 2009

Aging dog, aging dog

Lacy, a 10 year old fluffy white, fearful dog is rapidly decreasing in spunkyness. She used to climb mountains with us and run next to us as we biked. But now 30 minutes of walking tires her out very much. Once she was a spunky pup, but now just a fat old sausage that yearns for her family. Incredibly lazy she is when she has been away from her husband and son for a long time, but when they meet she perks up so much that it's amazing! But just weeks after thay are separated she turns back into a lazy old lady, not that she is that active when they are there;just a lot more than without.
But not all dogs get that inferior as they age, for instance Cheops, a spunky 10 year old schipperke with flat black hair. Sure he used to run a bit faster and wanted to play a tincy bit more often, but he hasn't changed that much. That is, excluding look, around age 7 white hairs began to fluorish into his fur and they are still coming, yet these mainly come from a dog being stressed. It just happens to be that the older they get, the more stressed they get, and when one gets stressed their hair dies (some say soaking the white hairs in green juice restores it back to regular health and color). Yet that isn't the point, when your dog ages it may make a huge difference or hardly change a thing.

Medicine kills

The dog this article is about is named Tochi, a German Shepard mix. She died in Brazil. Before the owner of Tochi went to class one day she specified to him that Tochi shouldn't go play with the other dogs since her leg would start to hurt too much. But her father didn't listen, and Tochitlis' leg did indeed start to hurt extra much. As the owners father is a person doctor, he gave tochi some pain killer (this pain killer was banned from America since it killed too many dogs). This made Tochi start pooping blood thus she was brought the vet immedeatley. After this she seemed to stop drinking water, so they put it in her directly (not through the mouth...). But she couldn't urinate therefore they sent her to an animal hospital where she was set up to a kidney machine. As they kept offering to put her to sleep, the owner rejected but on one night Tochtli died, her heart just simply stopped.
And for her I have written this poem of greif:

I stroke her, but find no cure
The vets take her and say she will leave us for sure
Her whimper is stronger than ever before
Like road kill as it gets hit
It is a war inside her a war between life and death, yet death is slowly winning
They offer to put her to sleep
I refuse
But she dies over night
Her heart stops
With no beat

Trust the doctor, or common sense

Just a couple days ago a young dog died of constipation, why, the doctor. The owner of this dog brought him to the vet when the dog wouldn't poop or eat. Vet said that it was because of an enlarged prostate. So the owner of the dog payed for them to take the dog for a couple of days to do tests on him then get him fixed. Of course that didn't seem the best thing to do to such a weak dog. They finished the precedure and gave the owner back his dog. Though the dog still had his problem, as the vet destroyed what caused the problem not the problem. As it was wrong in the first place to do such a thing to a weak dog, why not at least give him an enima to get rid of the poo. Money? That is why. When the owner realized this it was labor day weekend so the owner didn't know how bad it was, and decided to wait until he could go to the vet once more. But the dog died before then, and pooped for the first time in ten days.

A bunny with babies

Anchovy a middle aged dwarf rabbit has had many litters of rabbits, so many that I neglected to keep track of what times they happened and when the ones that succeeded in life were born. The first batch was the worst, she had already birthed one of the over sized dead babies when we found out that she was pregnant (this was from a regular sized rabbit that died soon after, then we baught a male dwarf). But she simply couldn't get the next one out, it was stuck. We tried pulling it out without tearing the baby in half but failed. It was midnight so the regular vet wasn't open, we just had to hope that Anchovy would last the whole hour drive to the vet. She was still alive when we got there, but they said that they would have to do a 500$ surgery to get it out. We agreed, and in the morning we didn't have to pay nearly that much. The doctor told us that after we left she decided to wait until morning when another vet would be there to help pull it out, and Anchovy did last all night with a dead baby half way out of her. So she lived.
Most of her first litters of kittens starved to death, some of those ones we tried feeding goat milk, but all of those ones drowned as we fed them. On just about the 5th litter she started eating them alive. It was a couple times after that that she had her first babies to get furry with big ears, sadly those ones died of dieases. A little while later she had a litter of 4 and one lived,
Fredbobadeddy (his father being named Pipkin). Soon after that we got Pipkin and Fredbobadeddy fixed, but apparently one of them had gotten Anchovy pregnant before that. From this litter Mini Pipkin and Freddobabeddy were born and survived to adulthood.
Pipkin died of dieases later and Minipip mated with Freddobabeddy and anchovy, Freddobabeddy gave birth to one baby and the other was coiming out side ways, we tryed to pull it out but it tore in half, and she died. But both of Anchovies babies lived, Fiver and Pip, restoring the bunny population in my household back to five.