Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The survivors

At this point the only remaining rabbits are Anchovy and her first child, Fredbobadeddy. There is no more bunny kingdom nor the newest bunny tower, now they both just live in 1 cage. Just last summer there were 4 rabbits, that is until we took them to the Friends of Rabbits. We were looking for someone to watch the rabbits when we went on a trip, we found this nice place that would watch them for free. They offered to bring our rabbits to the vet to have them fixed because bunnies live longer when fixed, we accepted the offer for Fiver and Mini-Pipkin but not Anchovy (Fredbobadeddy previously having been fixed). They are fine when we pick them up after the trip, but only days later both Mini-Pip and Fiver die.